2 min 17 sec
Every instructor will eventually want to rearrange the order of their segments in their course.
This is a simple thing to do. Simply navigate to the Module that contains the segment you want to move. Select the Segment to move, then select the Edit Segment button. See the images below
Scroll to the bottom of the edit segment page and find the list of segments in this module. The segment you are in will be in red. Rearrange that segment by selecting it and dragging and dropping the red segment where you want it in the list. Save once you have rearranged the order.
From within any segment of a module that you want to rearrange, select the MODULE drop down button. Then select MANAGE. See the image below:
When you select Manage, you will see a list of all of your modules and segments in the course. The image below shows a sample list with two modules and their segments.
Scroll down to the Module you would like rearrange the segments in. You can see an ADD SEGMENT button right next to Rank Segments button. Select Rank Segments
Selecting RANK SEGMENT will open the window like you see below. Highlight the segment you want to move then drag and drop it to its new location.
Don't forget to hit SAVE when finished.