Segment 11

Locating your course


Overview of My Courses Tab


Finding Courses 

On Your Computer


This segment will provide you with a general overview on how to navigate to your new courses before they go live. The first thing to do is navigate to the MY COURSES tab.


The MY COURSES icon is found on the task bar at the top of the browser window. It looks like an open book. See the image below:


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There will be places in the university system where the icon for "My Courses" will only be the open book. Like the image below:


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3 min 21 sec




Active Courses  - finished courses with students enrolled

Unfinished Courses  - incomplete courses you're working on

Inactive Courses - if an instructor created a course or class but no longer wishes to offer it.

Enrolled  - if an instructor is enrolled as a student in another instructor's class, these classes will be listed here 

Extra Classes - these are classes that multiple instructors have editing privileges on. 




Finding Active Courses


Instructors have a different view of courses than students. The image below is the INSTRUCTORS VIEW. It has the following navigation buttons:


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Active  Courses currently with classes or students in session

Unfinished  Courses you are working on

Inactive  Courses you built but no longer offer

Enrolled  Courses you're enrolled in but did not build

These are classes that multiple instructors have editing privileges on.


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Fish Hunter International

Leerburg On-line Tutorial 2.0


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Locating Courses On Your Phone



If you are on your phone, Do not click on the COURSES BUTTON next to the INSTRUCTOR BUTTON  (see the cell image below).


That COURSE BUTTON takes you to a list of courses offered by all instructors in the system. While you can view the list you will not be able to see or edit courses from other instructors.




To get to your courses -  click on the open book icon that you see below:


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