Segment 1

Add a Module



to Your Course


1 min 18 sec


The course is composed of Modules, and Modules are composed of Segments. In this segment, we cover how to create a new module.


While it is not necessary, there is an option to give a summary of the content that is covered in each module.  This summary can be text and a video. Some instructors provide module summaries and some do not.





Adding a Module to the Course


The Course taskbar has a MODULE drop down button - see the image below


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Selecting ADD brings up the ADD NEW MODULE window.


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 The ADD NEW MODULE window is where we can add a description for the goals of that module. (See the athe image below)


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The red dots behind some of the data fields (see image below)  are actually  HELP DROP DOWN ICONS. 

Embed Imgage  Help Drop Down Icons




Module Title



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Important for Interactive courses

If the Instructor has selected the "ALWAYS OPEN" check box in the EDIT MODULE WINDOW, the modules will always be open no matter what start dates for the course have been or will be entered in the Managing Class Modules (Module 3 Segment 3 covers Managing Class Module dates) 

This may sound a little wordy but it will become obvious if an instructor builds an interactive course in which modules are set to open on specific dates. 

If that is the case, DO NOT check the always open box.




Module Summary Option

This field displays a brief 1 or 2 sentence summary of the module that will appear in the course outline.

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Module Description


The Module description can be as detailed as we wish. This is the area where the instructor describes the goals of what they want to teach in this module.

When a student selects a module, they can read what the instructor has written in the module description.


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Save Your Work Often


A word to the wise, save your work often. You don't want to spend an hour adding content to a module or a segment and lose it all because of a power outage or a computer issue.

I speak from experience here. You will only do this once to see what you need to constantly save your work.


The SAVE button is located at the bottom of Modules or Segments. CTRL+S also works.


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Some features are set at Class Level

and not the Module Level


When an instructor creates a core course some features are added at the course level, and if the course is intended as interactive, some features are added when classes are created. These features are covered in detail in module 3 of this course.


Features added when setting up a class


Determining if a class is a self-study or interactive

Dates the modules are open to the class 

Video Uploads

Live Chats

Certificates of completion being issued

Capacity Allowed in Class 



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