Segment 9

Adding video or photos


Adding Video or Photos

to your Segment


6 min 33 sec


Adding video to a segment is a two step process.

The first step is to get the video from your computer uploaded to the web server so our program can access the video or photo.


Once the video has been uploaded to the web server the next step is to place the video (or photo) into the Segment of the course.


3 min 35 sec




Step 1


Once you know where to find the video on your computer, navigate into the segment you want to place the video in and click the "EDIT SEGMENT" button (See the image below).


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UPLOAD files from computer to web server


Now go down under the edit window in the segment and select UPLOAD FILES. See the image below.


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Locate the video or photo file on your computer and click on it. 


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Select the Open button on the bottom right of the window.

See the arrow in the image below.



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Once the video or photo has been selected, a popup window appears (image below). This window allows the instructor the opportunity to rename the video or photo, they can also type a detailed description of what the file is and where it's used. Renaming the file will not change the name of the file on your computer, it only changes it for the course.

The advantage of taking the time to write a description of the video/photo is the instructor can come back (thru file manager - Module 3 segment 17) and read the descriptions of what the files are should they ever have the need to reuse that video or photo in another course. Without a description, the instructor will have to look at every video and photo in the course to find what they are looking for. It is very easy to get 150 short videos in a course, and going through 150 videos to find the one you need takes a lot of time. If descriptions are written for each video it takes little time.



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Elements of the pop-up window

This window offers the instructor a great deal of editing power for the photo or the video: 



It is possible for instructors to upload multiple files at one time. In fact, they can upload files for different segments at one time. 

The "REMOVE button" is used if an instructor accidentally included a file in the batch upload. As they work through the list of files and realize one was accidentally added they click the REMOVE button.



The TITLE of the file can be changed to a new name if the instructor wishes. Doing this only changes the name of the file that's uploaded. This does not change the name of the file stored on your computer or cell phone.


COURSE (Optional):

The COURSE (optional)  section confirms that the uploaded file is copied into the correct module and segment. That will become apparent when we go through uploading the file from the "web server" into the course.

The three fields in "COURSE (optional)"  identify where the file will be uploaded. In our image below we see:


The file will go into:

The Leerburg online 2.O tutorial course

The Module "Building your course and adding content" 

The Segment "Adding Video from your computer XXXXX"


The DEFAULT location for the upload will be into the segment you are in when you do your uploads. 



The NOTES text block can be used by the instructor to write details of the image. Text in this block will not be seen by students.

Once the instructor is happy with any changes they need to click the UPLOAD button in the pop-up box.





During the upload process the pop-up below will be displayed. How long the file takes to upload a video will be depend on the size of your file and the speed of your internet connection. 

You can determine Internet UPLOAD speed by going to SPEEDTEST.NET. If you have large video files and upload speeds of 5 Mbps or slower you would probably want to do your video uploading when you can walk away and let the files upload.


If you close the window before the uploading is finished the uploader will stop.


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When the upload is finished, you will see the image below. Click the "X" and close out of the window. At that point, you can now place the video or photo into your segments content.


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If there is a video "placeholder" in the segment click on the "placeholder," this will highlight the image in light blue.

If you do not have a video "placeholder" your video will drop into the segment where your cursor is located.  

Once you have selected where to place the video in the segment, click the "View Files" button under the text box.  See the image below.


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You will now see a pop-up (see image below) showing all of the files that were uploaded to this segment.

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In the example below there has only been one video uploaded.

However, if you have uploaded a number of videos or photos into one segment, it's a good idea to rename video clips when importing them from your computer or phone.  

An example would be  "module4segment3video1". This name would tell you exactly where that video fits in your course.


If you use Photoshop for your images, do not save images as ".PSD" file format. You should save the photo as a "PNG" or a similar file structure. 

Click the file, it will automatically drop where you have left you cursor.  

Then exit the pop-up window by clicking on the "X".







Don't Forget to




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